Hypnosis Training in Patiala


Hypnosis Training in Patiala

If you are reading this, it means you already have a keen interest in learning Hypnosis. As you are looking for Hypnosis Training, you may have googled for ‘Hypnosis Training in Patiala’, ‘Hypnosis courses in Patiala’ or ‘Hypnosis Training workshops in Patiala’, or you might have searched for ‘Hypnosis certification courses in Patiala'.

I must say, you have reached the perfect place! Stay tuned.

Do you have the following questions wandering in your mind?

- Which is the best Hypnosis Training Institute in Patiala?

- Who is the best Hypnosis Trainer or Hypnotherapist or Hypnotist in Patiala?

- Can I get Hypnosis Training in Patiala?

- How to find the best Hypnosis Training in Patiala?

- What should be the criterion for choosing the best Hypnosis Training Institute?

- How to decide the best Hypnosis Coaching Program in Patiala?

- How to get Hypnosis Certification in Patiala?

If these are your questions, then I am here to assist you with all your queries. Read this article till the end to get all the answers.

When you search for Hypnosis Training in Patiala, there might be some Hypnosis Training Institutes in Patiala, but to get the best outcomes you need to widen your search from Hypnosis Training in Patiala to the Best Hypnosis Training Institute in India. The key thing that you want to look for with any course, is the training content itself. What will you actually get from taking the course? What skills will you learn? How will you be able to help your clients? Will it give you all that you need in order to do what you want to do? If your course gives you all that you need, then your results will speak louder than any certificate ever would.

Only the best Hypnosis Training Institute would give you the desired results. To get such outcomes, you need to travel to the nearest place, i.e., Delhi. When it comes to the best Hypnosis Training Institute in India, the only name that individuals prefer is, ‘IBHNLP - The Indian Board of Hypnosis &Neuro-Linguistic Programming. IBHNLP is the only Hypnosis Training Institute in India which is having the largest network of Hypnosis Practitioners all over India.

IBHNLP is dedicated to the Research & Development of Hypnosis as well as for promoting Hypnosis Programs, Hypnosis Coaching & Hypnosis Workshops in India. IBHNLP regularly conducts Integrated Hypnosis Training workshops in Delhi, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Pune & Bangalore in which NLP (Conversational Hypnosis) & Life Coach training would also be covered.


Now let’s discuss about Hypnosis in brief!

Before that, I would like to mention some of the Myths about Hypnosis, which you might resemble.  

What are the Myths about Hypnosis?

Here are 9 common ones:

1. Only those who are mentally weak can be hypnotized.

2. Under Hypnosis, people are helpless.

3. Hypnosis is sleep.

4. Hypnotherapy works in one session.

5. Hypnotists must be flamboyant or weird.

6. Under Hypnosis long-forgotten memories can be retrieved.

7. You can’t lie under Hypnosis.

8. You’ve never experienced Hypnosis.

9. Past Life Regression is the part of Hypnosis.

These are some of the myths about Hypnosis that many individuals consider to be true.

But Hypnosis is much different than these assumptions. Hypnosis is a way or process of seeding positive thoughts in our minds. It is a powerful way of transforming your complete thought process.  

Let’s understand Hypnosis.

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis can be seen as a waking state of awareness, (or consciousness), in which a person’s attention is detached from his or her immediate environment and is absorbed by inner experiences such as feelings, cognition, and imagery. Hypnotic induction involves focusing attention and imaginative involvement to the point where what is being imagined feels real. By the use and acceptance of suggestions, you construct a hypnotic reality. 

How Hypnosis Session is carried out?

The hypnosis session is carried out in 6 steps which you will learn and practice in an actual workshop. These steps include:

1. Body Relaxation - (Guided Instructions & Techniques for Testing)

2. Mind Relaxation - (Guided Instructions & Techniques for Testing)

3. Deepening Techniques - (For Inducing Trance State) 

4. Pre-Induction - (Leading to Trance State)

5. Actual Change Work - (Seeding Process)

6. Post Induction - (To Bring You out of Trance State)

What are the benefits of Direct Hypnosis?

  • You can solve problems and change required habits by settling the suggestions deep into the subconscious mind.
  • You can make the concrete foundation of positive beliefs in your subconscious mind for building a better future.
  • You can embed suggestions or thoughts into the subconscious mind without much resistance.
  • A continuously chattering mind can be calmed by using Hypnosis.
  • You can establish the direct contact with the subconscious mind of yourself or others by inducing trance state.
  • By learning and mastering Hypnosis reprogramming, you might be able to overcome your issues and create a brighter future for yourself easily.
  • Hypnosis allows you to discover and cure the source of your issues, & it's achievable. It teaches you how to manage the excess energy you use on thinking and problem solving so you can put it to better use.

If you are determined enough to bring a massive change in your own life or in the lives of others with the help of Hypnosis, IBHNLP has the right courses for you. IBHNLP provides many benefits complementary to the NLP Practitioner course, including Direct Hypnosis.


Why has IBHNLP integrated Direct Hypnosis NLP & Life Coaching?

The value of combining Hypnosis with NLP is widely questioned. In NLP, when we study the Milton Model, which is also known as Conversational Hypnosis. Conversational Hypnosis is the process of inadvertently implanting thoughts in someone's subconscious mind. Conversational Hypnosis is a bit technical, and individuals who are inexperienced with Direct Hypnosis will find it difficult to comprehend the mechanics of Conversational Hypnosis.

As a part of NLP Practitioner Training, we learn Direct Hypnosis, which is the foundation of conversational Hypnosis. We get enough knowledge and experience in Direct Hypnosis on the fifth day after that we move to Conversational Hypnosis, which becomes easier to understand.

Why should you learn NLP rather than just Hypnosis?

In a sense, Hypnosis is part of NLP. Hypnosis works as a foundation to learn the mechanism of Conversational Hypnosis. No doubt, while the Hypnosis process you will learn to grasp all the positive thoughts within your subconscious mind. But when it comes to implementing all those positive thoughts and controlling your mind in real-life circumstances, you need to consciously choose the responses to the external triggers & preconditions for the same, which NLP training will help you with. Even if you want to learn Hypnosis, just for your own sake, I would say, getting trained in NLP rather than just Hypnosis will help you have better control over yourself.

IBHNLP also provides the benefit of Life coaching for FREE if you enroll for the upcoming Integrated NLP Practitioner Certification Program!

As we have discussed so far, NLP and Hypnosis are the tools and techniques to control your mind. But how can you apply those techniques without identifying your problems? 

It is said that ‘We can’t solve the problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them’. This is where Life Coaching guides you to become an expert in controlling your mind and solving your own issues. Life coaching gives you a different approach to solving your own problems. Also, you can guide others to solve their issues once you get mastery over the Life Coaching formats. 

Here you will get exclusive life coach training and certification absolutely FREE if you enroll for the upcoming NLP Practitioner Certification Course. Click here to read more about the Life Coach Certification Program.

Now become an expert by mastering in NLP Practitioner course along with Direct Hypnosis and Life coaching. Enroll now to get all the benefits in your budget!

Now Experience a Sample Hypnotic Induction for leading the positive life:


To undergo this process, spare 15 minutes of your busy schedule preferably early in the morning. Just listen to the following audio when you can relax completely. Use headphones for the best effects. Just follow the instructions given and let yourself fall into a relaxed state of mind. Here being completely passive is the key. Enjoy the Track!

Your today's small investment of Time & Money will reap you great benefits tomorrow.

Listen to the Self-Hypnosis Audio Track:

Click Here to View Sample Certificates for Hypnosis Practitioner.

Check out our websites:

www.ibhnlp.com – For NLP, Hypnosis & Life Coaching
 www.mbnlpc.com – For Mindfulness-Based Neuro-Linguistic Programming, a new dawn in the domain of Human Consciousness
www.sandipShirsat.com – NLP-based Leadership Development Training Modules for Corporates
Call Satish on +919834878870 or mail us at satish@ibhnlp.com for more information.